Highline College

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History 2021-06-08T00:57:36+00:00



“Appreciating Diversity” is designated a college-wide outcome for students.


A task force on general education requirements recommends a diversity requirement. For several years, proposals have been discussed by division chairs and deans (Instruction Cabinet) and Faculty Senate. Dean of Instruction and several faculty develop the idea for a department to include ethnic studies, women’s studies and global studies.


In anticipation of the diversity requirement and new department, the following positions are opened and filled with faculty who have ethnic studies experience: Anthropology, Geography, Spanish, Sociology, Writing, Philosophy. (Highline’s percentage of tenured and tenure-track faculty of color triples.)

Fall 1998

Culture, Gender & Global Studies (CGG) Department founded.


Diversity/Globalism Requirement Committee is convened to develop criteria for D/G classes. The Committee is made up of the Dean of Instruction and one representative from each division.

Fall 1999

First students subject to Diversity/Globalism requirement enroll.

Fall 2009

CGG is folded into Diversity & Global Studies (DGS). CGG courses are re-designated as DGS.


Highline College’s Office of Multicultural Affairs conducts a mixed methods study to assess student awareness of DGS courses, DGS course enrollment (2000-2015) and DGS’ campus impact in comparison to similar programs in the state of Washington. As a result of the study, several recommendations are made to the Highline College Executive Board, including the hire of tenure-track faculty in Diversity & Global Studies.

Fall 2017

American Ethnic & Identity Studies (AEIS) is formed in the Division of Social Sciences with one tenure-track hire in Latin@ studies.

Fall 2018

American Ethnic & Identity Studies brings on a second tenure track hire in Asian American studies and a one year hire in Black studies.

Spring-Winter 2018

AEIS faculty conduct a mixed-method study of student understanding, awareness, and interest in ethnic studies content.

Winter 2020

AEIS proposes to change its name to Ethnic & Gender Studies

Spring 2020

AEIS officially becomes Ethnic & Gender Studies (EGS)